About us

We offer the solutions your business needs for IoT success in the market

Safe4 Security Group is an international smart technology corporation, building on its expertise from the security industry. We facilitate the creation of revenue businesses in compliance with the IoT industry.

Safe4 is a supplier of security and IoT solutions for medium and large companies, both in Scandinavia and internationally. We operate within industries like Telecom, Energy, Safety, Broadband/Cabel-TV, IoT, Rental and Insurance, in addition to local security providers.

We offer solutions that combine traditional and innovative new services for white label customers:

Divisions of Safe4

Safe4 markets its products under the Onesti Products brand. Onesti Products is a division of Safe4 Security Group. Furthermore, our IoT platform is marketed as Iotiliti.

We believe in the willingness to share ideas

Safe4’s business model reflects that we strongly believe that the greatest victories come from working together with our partners. Therefore, we partner with market leaders with edge technology and offer a wide range of advanced IoT solutions and services.

We applaud enthusiasm and the willingness to share ideas and knowledge. Safe4 also believes that entering strategic partnerships offers valuable add-ons to our mutual businesses.


We believe in freedom to choose

Safe4 provides you with the freedom to decide which devices you prefer for your IoT solution, in addition to the HomeGate AiO (All-in-One).

We let you decide on the right technological platform for your business. Our HomeGate AiO is platform independent. It has great communication capabilities and can be tailored to almost any modern and open platform.

We provide secure and scalable Home IoT Solutions as White Label and Go-to-Market Ready.

Our solutions are ideal for retailers, distributors and service-providers who target the individual home, such as Telecom, Cable, Real-Estate, Utility, Insurance, Security and Care.

A full ecosystem of IoT in a Recurring Revenue Model – at cost. Learn to know our industrialized product line for IoT and Security in Private Households, Real-Estate and SMB.

With security in our DNA, we operate to make your customers and family feel safe.

History of Safe4

August 2024

Confi.care platform launch

Through the creation of the subsidiary Safe4 Care in 2022, the new platform Confi.care is ready for launch. The platform connects public and private healthcare in a powerful Ecosystem – Assisted Living – joining the individual with caregivers, close friends, and family.
August 2024
May 2024

Alarm Receiving Center

After Stanely Security was bought by Securitas, Safe4 takes full ownership of the alarm station in Nydalen, managing all ARC-related operations.
May 2024
April 2024

Salus Protect launches Immunity

Salus Protect is created through a collaboration between SALUS Controls and Safe4 Security Group. With the launch of Immunity in the UK market, Safe4 is pioneering the world’s first certified security solution built on open standard.
April 2024
March 2024

Länsförsäkringar launches Alf

Together with Safe4, LF launches the "Alf" service for its customers in Sweden. Alf is presented as LF's new security solution that helps the user prevent, detect and protect against fire and water damage in the home before it happens.
March 2024

Signing agreement with Länsforsäkringar

Länsforsäkringar, consisting of 23 local and customer-owned county insurance companies, becomes both partner and shareholder.

Salus Controls and Tryg

Safe4 enters a joint venture with Salus Controls and signs a partner-agreement with Tryg.

More partner-signings

Safe signs with Keyfree, supplier of keyless systems, nimly, creator and supplier of digital and smart door locks, and Waoo, Danish provider of internet, TV and telephony.

Safe Unlock and partner-signings

Safe4 is given the responsibility to carry out the Safe Unlock project together with SINTEF. Safe4 also signs new partner-deals with both John Lewis and Eidsiva.

Launch of IoT Ecosystem Gen. II

The IoT Ecosystem was upgraded to Generation 2 with the launch of partner Homely in the market.
April 2018

Safe4 Sweden AB

Establishes a Swedish subsidiary in Stockholm and also enters into a strategic partnership with the Swedish security wholesaler, Copiax.
April 2018

Homegate 2 - All in One

The launch of the Homegate AiO allows for a completion of a new ecosystem model. IoT Marketplace is also introduced.

IoT Ecosystem Launch

The first complete IoT Ecosystem is launched. Tested through 3,000 live installations in multiple countries.
November 2015

Safe4 Denmark AS

Safe4 establishes a subsidiary company in Denmark, Safe4 Denmark AS.
November 2015

Launch of first gateway: Homegate

Safe4 assembles the HomeGate and an unlimited number of components and smart devices, and thus offers a business model where partners can develop innovative business models and create new revenue streams.
February 2014

Safe4 Risk Solutions AS

Management from G4S Risk Solution Department in Norway joins forces with Safe4 Security Group and becomes a subsidiary company offering consultancy services.
February 2014
October 2013

The Creation of Safe4 Security Group AS

Safe4 has its origin in G4S Secure Solutions AS activities in Norway.

Chosen individuals from the G4S management team in addition to selected operating staff and the IT department formed the foundation of Safe4.

Safe4 Security Group AS enters a «Management buy-out» solution for the Project department and the IT and Digital Security departments of former G4S in connection with the sale of the G4S in Norway to NOKAS in the winter of 2013.

In addition to this, an acquisition of the G4S Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) in Oslo was also agreed upon. During the spring of 2014 Safe4 built up a similar environment, with technology familiar to the ARC personnel from many years back.

October 2013

Get in touch!

Have questions? Want to see a demo? Or wonder how can our solutions work for you? We are here to answer all your questions.

Get in touch!

Have questions? Want to see a demo? Or wonder how can our solutions work for you? We are here to answer all your questions.