Our Sustainability

Safe4 aims to contribute to a smarter and more eco-friendly way of living through use of advanced technology and the Internet of Things.

Our ecosystem connects all smart home devices and enables the consumer to control everything through one single app.

Teaming up with science to reduce CO2 footprint

In August 2020, the Norwegian Research Council assigned Safe4 with the responsibility of building the digital ecosystem “Lås Opp” – Safe Unlock. This is a collaborative project funded and carried out by SINTEF (one of Europe’s largest independent research organizations) and a consortium of industrial players. The project has a four year timeframe (2021-2024).

Key targets, in addition to developing the solution, will be to evaluate transport optimization measures related to CO2 footprint, and to monitor consumer behaviour in order to find out how consumers adapt to remotely granting In-Home Services, such as messengers, healthcare workers and craftsmen, access to their private homes.

The UN’s sustainability goals for innovation and infrastructure state that investments in e.g. transport and information technology are crucial to creating sustainable development. In line with this, the Ecosystem in Safe Unlock is a digital infrastructure that promotes growth, productivity and efficiency. The greatest potential for emission reduction lies in increased coordination between carriers.

Smart environmental choices by using smart products

Our ecosystem and products contribute to a safer environment in which people stay connected. In addition, our products do not only offer secure and smart home solutions, but also help end-users make smart environmental choices at home.

Smart Living

Safe4’s advanced IOT platform focuses on an end-to-end smart solution. Here, end-users have full control of the household’s security and safety, digital doorlocks and smart devices in an easy manner. 

Consequently, families can administrate their homes and holiday homes from anywhere at any time. In this way, they have no need for driving to the cabin to turn on the heating or let craftsmen in. For instance, just by downloading our user-friendly app, end-users can easily open doors, deactivate the alarm and regulate the temperature in their homes.

Smart, easy, timesaving, but first and foremost, safe and eco-friendly.

Smart Energy Management

We predict that companies who contribute to a sustainable energy consumption and environment friendly solutions will be the winners in the near future.

We believe that such companies will seek solutions that provide them with the possibility to monitor and manage their own energy consumption. In this way, they can save costs and operate more environmental friendly.

Our ecosystem allows the end-user to achieve these goals in a smart and easy way. The home owner can, for instance, set rules for the system and automate the energy consumption, contributing to an environment-friendly home while maintaining the desired level of comfort.

Smart and Secure Cloud Solution

Our cloud solution offer companies less worries and provides businesses with an opportunity to reduce their energy costs. We have total focus on security and energy management in all our cloud operated concepts.

Smart Solution Development

Our team of developers are, first and foremost, eager to create smarter and more sustainable solutions for our customers. We are concerned by environmental issues, and Safe4 is consequently committed to contributing to our customers achieving their environmental goals.

Smart Logistic Services for
Minimizing Pollution

Safe4’s ecosystem includes services like In-Home Delivery supplied in a consumer friendly ecosystem from ordering on the webshop to transportation and, finally, safe delivery behind locked doors.

Furthermore, we are managing and automating the whole supply chain of goods to private households and SMB’s. No need for family members to drive to the post office or go home from work to receive parcels, or having to wait for a service person who might be on time. Efficient logistics is probably the most important measure to handling pollution.

Get in touch!

Have questions? Want to see a demo? Or wonder how can our solutions work for you? We are here to answer all your questions.

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Have questions? Want to see a demo? Or wonder how can our solutions work for you? We are here to answer all your questions.