Safe4 and Stanley Security join forces as Safe4’s Alarm Receiving Centre re-locates and moves into Stanley Security’s new Alarm Receiving Centre in Oslo.
To meet customers’ needs and future expectations, Stanley Security AS and Safe4 Security Group AS unite forces and competencies. Our surroundings will eventually be digitalized and online using sensor technology. This also includes solutions for security and safety where regulatory and privacy issues will become important framework conditions.
No supplier will be able to solve these tasks solely, and the future will require collaboration and ability to think in new ways, outside of the box. The co-location of the two Alarm Receiving Centres is a direct consequence of this. For several years, the two companies have discussed the development of future Security and Alarm Receiving Services. The co-location will improve the offer to the customer and the value added will be optimized.
The companies will operate with each of their certified Alarm Receiving Services, on their own technological infrastructure, but within the same certified building.
– Due to having two different approaches to the market and not appearing as competitors in the big picture, we are convinced that we are stronger when we combine expertise and technological solutions, says Bjørge Kraft, CEO of Safe4.
Together, the companies have great ambitions to focus on future alarm processing services. By use of digital intelligence, both wish to simplify and improve the everyday lives of their customers. With this technology, they combine ambitions to develop new and exciting business areas and, not least, offer competitive prices.
– We want to show our customers and the industry that they can exploit common infrastructure, and still appear with distinctiveness and credibility. When Stanley Security decided to build a new EN certified Alarm Receiving Centre, it was quite natural to invite Safe4 to a common location. Through the good cooperation we have had in recent years, we have seen great potential synergies for even closer cooperation, says Espen Winther Knudsen, CEO of Stanley Security AS.
– It is especially within welfare and care we see a great potential for cooperation over the next few years. Technologically, the companies complement eachother already, while it is easy to distribute the roles in joint deliveries. There are also major movements within the areas of In-home delivery and In-store delivery. These are two areas that will characterize product deliveries largely from production to consumer, and that will place great demands on monitoring and privacy. Here, we will work together to find the most optimal solutions to deliver across the industrial and private sphere, says Kraft.
– Another important issue in the new market is the rapid development in technology and the fusion of service areas. Customers will search for platforms that can offer comprehensive solutions. In the future, one will expect both security, welfare and smart home solutions being delivered in a common interface. We, as professional operators, must be able to follow companies and individuals as they move in this landscape. The market will expect services to function 24/7 and across architectures, says Winther Knudsen.
The companies’ management believes that the development, particularly in sensor technology, NarrowBand IoT and pattern recognition, will help both new services to develop, but also a strengthening of the quality of existing services. In the future, in practice, most of our surroundings can be linked to a service with sensor technology.